When you've paid the high side of a million bucks for what passes in this market for a small condo, can you be sure that those seven digits have bought you a place high enough on the hog that you can hold your head up and be proud?
Such is life at the more stratospheric and service-oriented end of the market that one clued-in observer can dismiss a hot new highrise with, "I don't consider them in the luxury class because they're not $1,000 a square foot." And then add, in a moment of horrified candour: "Isn't that sick?"
Sick or not, $1,000 a square foot would be a bargain in several downtown developments. Some are still no more than a hole in the ground and won't be ready for occupancy until 2011. But, economic slump or not, sales reportedly are steady and their smaller apartments, in particular, are architectural hotcakes. read full article